Not sure if I could pull this off, but with long California sandy blonde shaggy hair, I'm certain I can. ha.
I love these shoes on twiggies.

Where do I begin to describe how amazing this is?! Photographed by Nick Knight.

For those who know me,
"I'm shy..." (haha)
Have you ever heard the saying "you will always go back to what you fell in love with first" in regards to career moves. I'm still on the path to creating one for myself but I've been feeling in a rut lately as to where I would be after I graduate. I think I've been putting more pressure on myself more than anything lately since I'm in my last semester. The reason why I came to Toronto has changed so much last year, but I suppose that's what happens when you get exposed to so much more than you expected. I've met so many young, motivated, ambitious and wonderful people in Toronto that it's difficult not to be inspired by what great things they've done so far. Sure, you meet the jerks and over achievers, but there are also individuals who show real passion and ambition that makes me wonder where I could be headed in 5 months, 8 months or a year from now!! It's always a good thing to question yourself as to where you want to be down the road. At least for me, I panic if I don't have a plan. How about you?
I think our generation is open to so many options and it becomes difficult for us to really choose what the right path is, career wise. Although, at the end of the day you need to be happy with what you're doing and who you are.
So... my goals:
-to graduate in June
and marry rich. (ha.)
love you, you know who you are.
ps: I'm doing a creative on Saturday! Can't wait to show you the results! It'll be awhile until I post it. Toodles.

Back in Toronto from spending the holidays back home in Winnipeg. I can't wrap it around my head that I was away for a month! What was I doing exactly? Or what is there to do in Winnipeg? Many things my friend. I spent most of my time hanging out with my cousins, and the boyfriend eating out and getting fat. I can definitely say I over indulged, but I justified the gluttony by reminding myself about my suicide schedule for my last semester with a full time schedule of school, internships and work, when would I find time to eat anything other than noodles and eggo waffles? We ate at our usual places. Craving Chinese food? May I recommend if you are ever in Winnipeg (maybe a concert?) make your way to Huong Pu Restaurant on Pembina and with that I suggest "Spicy Eggplant", it's eggplant with ground beef, ginger and hot sauce. I am now salivating. I also tried out some new restaurants that my cousins were raving about. So like I mentioned, my holidays was all about eating and eating even more.
I intentionally left my laptop behind because I knew if I brought it then I wouldn't have been out as much as I was. But now that I think about it, it would have saved me from scarfing down so much bad food. Well, what's done is done.
So, my last semester! And there's a possibility of a strike. Hoo-fuckin'-rah. They haven't made it official yet, but they definitely voted. We'll find out in the next week or so. And so my dilemma. I was planning to drop my part time job because my last semester is packed as it is and to mention I am financially disabled. (eh?) Do I keep my poorly paid part time job in case my school goes on strike so I can work while the strike goes on? Or do I quite and just cover more intern hours to get as much experience as I can for my last semester? I really want to here the last one from everyone. But to be rational, I should keep it. I think my minds made up.
I have yet to unpack from moving in and coming back home from the holidays. Let's hope I get my act together soon and clean my life up. My new internship starts on Monday! I finally get to dabble in product development, so fun, seriously! And of course I'm keeping Flare twice a week. I'm greedy.
Have a great week!